Monday, May 20, 2013


 We were able to take a field trip to the Arboretum last Thursday. Once there we were let loose to wander and take pictures as we roamed around. There were so many things to take pictures of that we really didn't it make to far into the trails. Below are some of my favorites. 

Old Stump

Soft maple sample


Hey there little guy!


This was an accidental shot...but it turned out cool

Flower with birch background

Land of Giants

Our assignment was to shoot a picture and photoshop ourselves in either really big or really small. As you can see I went with a tiny me. I wish I could have gotten a better picture of me because the lighting is not the same as the tractor. However my position turned out great. The feet and hand position lined up great with the steps. Putting shadows in to make it look like you belong is really hard so hope you like it!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Light & Shadow

The theme for this photo shoot was Light & Shadow. At first I had no idea what I was going to shoot, but after walking around in our old barn, I found light coming in certain areas and decided to shoot them. They turned out pretty good, I thought anyway. When we all started downloading our pictures I saw a lot of people shooting actual shadows and thought that I had maybe shot the wrong thing. But after editing, I stick with my decision to shoot in the barn. 

Shutter Speed:.00210 Aperture:f/3.5 ISO:80
 This is the silo room. There is a hole in the roof that lets the light in and brightens it up. I turned the picture black and white since the color in the room was....well yucky. 

Shutter Speed: .0045 Aperture: f/7.0 ISO:80

I was skeptical about this shot. But I find myself liking it more and more. Maybe its the way the light comes in and lights the bottom while the top remains dark.  I also like being able to see the field. Note the shadow of the wire on the side (so it fits in with both light and shadow).
Shutter Speed: .0167 Aperture: f/5.4 ISO:163

You are all probably wondering what this has to do with light or shadows right? Well I was thinking of things to shoot and this a light. Simple enough, but the twist is that this light no longer works and so it can only cast darkness and shadows. Something different, cheesy I know but still fun.

Well I don't have much to say about this picture. I love how its dark on the inside and then bright. Also the wire casts a shadow as well as the roof (which you can't actually see). I love the lighting in this picture as well.