Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Light & Shadow

The theme for this photo shoot was Light & Shadow. At first I had no idea what I was going to shoot, but after walking around in our old barn, I found light coming in certain areas and decided to shoot them. They turned out pretty good, I thought anyway. When we all started downloading our pictures I saw a lot of people shooting actual shadows and thought that I had maybe shot the wrong thing. But after editing, I stick with my decision to shoot in the barn. 

Shutter Speed:.00210 Aperture:f/3.5 ISO:80
 This is the silo room. There is a hole in the roof that lets the light in and brightens it up. I turned the picture black and white since the color in the room was....well yucky. 

Shutter Speed: .0045 Aperture: f/7.0 ISO:80

I was skeptical about this shot. But I find myself liking it more and more. Maybe its the way the light comes in and lights the bottom while the top remains dark.  I also like being able to see the field. Note the shadow of the wire on the side (so it fits in with both light and shadow).
Shutter Speed: .0167 Aperture: f/5.4 ISO:163

You are all probably wondering what this has to do with light or shadows right? Well I was thinking of things to shoot and this a light. Simple enough, but the twist is that this light no longer works and so it can only cast darkness and shadows. Something different, cheesy I know but still fun.

Well I don't have much to say about this picture. I love how its dark on the inside and then bright. Also the wire casts a shadow as well as the roof (which you can't actually see). I love the lighting in this picture as well. 


  1. those are awesome, i really like all of them nice job!!

  2. Ilike the bottom one the best-it's a great abstract photo-just one tiny thing-crop off the very top rt corner where some background shows-it's really not important to the photo. Colors in this and textures are great.

  3. I fixed the bottom one if anyone reads the comment and wonders what he was talking about. :)
