Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Rock Dam CWIRA Ice Race

This is what my crazy boyfriend, DJ, and his friends do in the cold of winter; ice race. I thought it would be fun to shoot them during the race and hopefully catch some of the suspense. Unfortunately it started to rain and I was only able to catch one race before my camera got soaked. Out of the pictures I was able to take, these three were the best. The first shot is of DJ on the straight away of the track. I like how he is in focus and the rest of the photo is slightly blurry. The second picture shows him and one of his opponents leaving the track after their race. It turned out that both racers are somewhat in focus and both are centered in the picture. The final shot is a close up of DJ leaving the race track. I thought the cloud of snow dust in the background was neat. I wish I could have kept my camera out longer and have the opportunity to take some better shots from different standpoints. Next race hopefully!

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