Thursday, January 24, 2013

Open Theme Photo Shoot

At the Farm

Got Milkers?

This photo was taken in the milk parlor at Boon Farm. It is a parallel parlor with 8 milkers on both sides. I decided to take this picture from the steps so you could see how symmetrical both sides are. The picture is in black and white since the multicolored walls were a bit distracting.

I'm Waiting

This shot was pure luck. It just so happened that as I walked to the free stall area and this cow was posed perfectly. I only wish I had centered her more so the tip of her ear was cut off. I do however love how one can see the frost on the gate.

More Food Please

This picture was taken from the center isle in the free stall barn. It was cold so as you can see there was steam raising everywhere. I also like how I was able to get most of the cows to look in my direction. I think my center is a little off though. 


This is a picture of the holding area. I edited it to black and white and enhanced the color a bit. I thought it added a some what mysterious look to the picture (because honestly this place looks boring and dirty in person and color picture). 

Farm scenery 

This shot was taken just outside the barn between two silos. I personally thought it looked better in black and white. I like the detail on the silos and the machine shop in the background. 

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