Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Rural Decay

There is a "pit" as we call it a mile or so from our house that has lots of old junker cars and trucks sitting in it. Usually this place is an eyesore and not somewhere you would want to play or walk around. However it worked perfectly for this photo shoot! I chose to shoot this truck because I liked the color of it and it was the only one with a tree or bush of some sort growing around/in it. 
P.S. I realize that we only needed three but I couldn't pick just three of them. I had so many more that were not of the truck.

For this shot I took the picture through the window of the truck


  1. wow, those are really good i love them!! nice job!!

  2. I like the front view of the brush growing through the bumper-one of my favorite compositions here.

  3. All of these pictures are great! I like 3rd one from the bottom the most :)
