The pattern in this picture is the corn stalks coming out of the snow in rows. The secondary subject would be the woods behind creating the horizontal line with the field. I turned this picture black and white because it enhanced the rows and helped draw attention the true pattern.
Down the road from my house there is an old barn made of these stones. I thought this would make a good pattern picture with the different yet similar size and shapes. I didn't know if it would look better in black and white or color so I decided to post both pictures.
This picture I shot towards the sun through these trees. The effect was the trees where shadowed and the sky behind was colored. I thought it made a neat pattern pictures with the branches.
My boyfriend's dog had come with us on our walk and in his excitement ran ahead of us. He left the perfect trail and I just had to take a picture of it. The pattern is his repeated prints in the snow going in a straight line.
I ended up having to edit out a power line in the sky because it was much to distracting. I found the repeated "V" pattern with the dead buds interesting. Again I didn't know if black and white or color was better so I posted both.
I think the B&W rocks works the best for patterns. The sunset is different and I like it-it's not a grand huge sunset, but rather a smaller quieter one. Nice.